About Us

Your pets are in good paws with us

Let me begin by telling you a little bit about myself … oh boy, I guess I’ll begin from the beginning. My love of Pets and my connection with pets began when I was just a baby. My mom had just brought me home, a few days prior, from the hospital, and she had laid me down on what became my favorite “Blue Blankey” and went into the kitchen where she could look over the counter and watch over me and she could do some cooking. She loved to cook. My family had already had a dog, a St. Bernard called Laddie and he was huge. He was outside playing and then he came to the door to be let in. My mom open up the door without thinking because she had just brought me home from the hospital and didn’t think about the fact that a brand new baby was laying on the floor right there. Well, to her surprise, Laddie decided that I was his new best friend, and he lay down beside me, and that was, I guess, is what they call kismet …from that point on we were best friends, and by three years old I was taking my naps on him, sharing a few bites of his kibble with him from his bowl (yes, you read that right) and rescuing one of dad’s clients from him when a he came to our house late to a meeting. Those experiences as a child brought me closer to animals than I could’ve ever imagined. My favorite song growing up was “If I could talk to the animals”, and I thought I could. And my favorite all-time childhood book was “Clifford, the big red dog.” I’ve always had close relationships with my pets. I grew up on a farm, as we moved to Monroe Washington onto a 200 acre farm when I was 5 years old, where my dad raised cattle. We had chickens and ducks as well throughout the years. Unfortunately, they were raised for consumption and that never settled well with me. I would go down into the field on my favorite horse named Duffy. He was a Shetland pony, and we were best friends. Many years were spent on the back of Duffy going down to the field to play in the woods and in the fields with the cows. In the summertime, my favorite time of year, there was always newborn calves to make friends with too. All of my adolescent years I always wanted to have a career working with animals in some shape or form as a grownup. One of my first jobs working with animals was at a veterinarian clinic as an assistant. I assisted with surgeries and took care of surgery patients and gave dogs and cats baths, administered subcutaneous fluids, gave medication, as well as cared for the boarding clients. From there I worked at a few different veterinarian clinics. During that time I went to a vocational school where I received my Small Animal Massage Therapist certification and at that time there was this new thing called doggy daycares popping up. I took my Small Animal Massage Therapist certification, and I worked at a few different doggy daycares in the Seattle and surrounding areas providing massage therapy and warm water therapy for the dogs that were staying long term, or just needed extra care at the facility. After several years of doing that I discovered private pet sitting. I worked for a company in Seattle where I would take dogs for walks for clients that were working and couldn’t get to their pets during the daytime to take them out for a potty break and occasionally I would do overnights, in their home, for clients that would go on vacation. I took care of all kinds of animals such as cats, dogs and even pet birds. A few years later I move back to Monroe Washington due to family issues. My family still owned the 200 acre ranch that I grew up on. And so I started running a business where folks could bring their dogs to the ranch and rent out the property hourly for their dogs. This was a great place for special-needs dogs to come and get to run in the woods and play in the Skykomish river off-leash, and not have a care in the world! A lot of my customers had dogs that were human reactive or dog reactive or had other issues going on and they just wanted a nice quiet, relaxing afternoon to themselves where their dog could just be a dog. And this provided just that! I also got onto an app where I started doing pet sitting and overnights again in the Monroe area. After three years I got the Five Star Pet Sitter rating and and after the behesting of a friend, and several of my clients saying, “Why don’t you just start your own business.” so I took heed….And here I am! You’re Five Star Pet Sitter.

I love animals! I can administer medication’s, including subcutaneous fluids. I work with all kinds of special needs animals. I can also take care of cats, turtles, fish, guinea pigs, rats, mice, chickens, turkeys and aggressive roosters too lol.

I provide dog walks, cat/pet check-ins, and overnights. I even provide extra services such as; taking out your garbage, watering your plants and picking up your mail, when I stay overnight at your house. This is in addition to my regular provided services, if needed.

So there you have it in a nutshell that’s me! Oh, did I mention I’m a vegan also.
I look forward to caring for your fur babies, and even the ones with feathers too and it’s OK if they have scales or no fur at all! I’m here for it all! Stay blessed!